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Subject: Can't We all just get ALONG?
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dreamn69 14.08.14 - 05:22am
Hello All! I am very saddened while writing this daily topic. As most of you know, I live in the United States. It is a very nice place to live and has many opportunities to succeed however, there are still many undercurrents that have not been adequately addressed.

I am not sure if the group members in other parts of the world are aware but, we just had another MURDER of a Young Man (18 yrs) old that was preparing to leave for college, a week before he was senselessly killed. This young man, had his life snuffed out, by the hands of a Police Officer, that is supposed to be there to Protect and Serve, not MURDER, innocent citizens.

This issue is further compounded by the fact that this young man was Black/colored (African-American). Whatever the case of his ethnicity should not be the case. This was a teenager that was very well respected in his community. He was spoke of as a Gentle Giant! He has never had any other run ins with the law before this one encounter. He was not a drug dealer, a delinquent, or Hoodlum! He was an all round NICE YOUNG MAN! Micheal Brown the Gentle Giant!

I am sure that many of you remember the Trayvon Martin case that happened not to long ago. Another young man, walking from the store on his way back home, and was MURDERED, by another White/Caucasion MALE, for no reason. Trayvon was not doing anything WRONG! Yet, he is Dead! Killed at the age of 18 years old.

What is going on with people now a days? There is this unspoken RACISM, that continues to happen in this country. Young people of color are seen as NOT FULLY HUMAN, in this day and age. This echoes back to the time of Jim Crow the Selma Bus Boycotts, and eventually leading back to the atrocities that happened during Transatlantic SLAVERY!

I heard statistics today from Dr. Michael Eric Dyson stated today that a Black male is MURDERED every 28 hours by POLICE in the United States! Wait, I'll say that again for those who missed it. A Black MAN is killed every 28 Hours, at the hands of Police. So everyday we lose the life of a male in a population that is already at risk? This sounds like systematic GENOCIDE to me.

Back in the days, there were lynchings, burning, Beatings, the KKK and other ways for Whites to attempt to ERADICATE people of color, namely those with African ancestry. Whites are no longer using those aforementioned methods, now they pay, those that should be civil servants to do the dirty work for them.

I know this topic has nothing really to do with relationships however, it is very concerning to me.I desire to be married again one day! I believe that love is not limited to ethnicity, but I like what I like! I am taking this time to share this topic to say, something has to happen. This cannot continue to go on this way. This to me feels like a HOLOCAUST of sorts!

I am asking the members to chime in on this subject. Use the power of social media for the good. Let's speak out about this issue if you feel that it is wrong. Tweet about it, let's begin dialogues about it on Facebook, use every avenue to begin to spread the word. If there is no JUSTICE, there can be no PEACE! This is the rally cry of those seeking answers on behalf of, Michael Brown, the slain young man.

I would like to hear your feedback on this topic. Let's be proactive, we have to see the loss of one families soon as the loss of our own son. Humanity is counting on those with compassion and heart to take a stand for those that are not able to stand for themselves. OK members, you are on the clock. Let's hear what you have to say about this topic. Until Next Time, take care. Continued Blessings! The Queen D

In the name sake of space, I left a lot of information out of this topic. If you are interested in more you can go to; www.huffingtonpost.com, www.cnn.com, or www.usatoday.com. This is just for you to get more information. MSNBC has been discussing this all day long as well. I am sure that this can be found easily on the web. We all have the power but we must choose to use it. *

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